Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to Earn Your RosΓ© (A Hike in Auburn)

Last weekend, at the end of our friend's birthday/bachelorette extravaganza, my dear friend, Steph (hi esteph!), and I were chatting about getting together the following weekend before boarding our respective flights home.  Auburn seemed like a good choice because both of our boyfriend's enjoy hiking, and we'd all get to spend time together while getting a good workout in.  Plus, my boyfriend Evan is really into hiking and I almost always refuse him.  In fact, I think the last time he had asked me to go was the weekend after his birthday.  I'd agreed to go, but we ended up staying in because it started raining.  

Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy nature and a nice, brisk trail walk as much as the next person, but I also get kind of anxious about not knowing how long we'll be gone, where exactly we're going, or if there'll be bikers.  And I always wonder, "will my shoes get dirty?!"  I'm serious, and yes, I'm told that's a terrible reason for refusing to go on a hike.  My boyfriend's always like, "just wear whatever shoes you don't care about!"  To which I reply, "but I care about them all!" πŸ˜‰ 

So imagine Evan's face when I told we'd finally be going on that hike.  Steph and her boyfriend, Casey, met us at our house around noon this past Saturday and we headed toward at 12:30 pm.  I'm told you normally start a hike earlier in the day to account for the heat, and the wildlife (e.g. mountain lions, when we used to live in Costa Mesa and hiked near Laguna Beach), but I think we knew we wouldn't have those problems here.  

We got there around 1 p.m. and hiked until about 4 or 4:30 p.m.  I honestly thought we were hiking a black diamond course but was gently informed about the toddlers on our trail.  I think at one point I told the rest of the group to, "just leave me," but thankfully no one listened.  I did manage to save us from certain death, though, when I spotted a baby rattlesnake by a boulder Steph had just jumped over.  Needless to say, we got out of that area slowly.  We had our hiking snacks by the water (and away from the baby rattlesnake) before heading back up to my car.  I have to say I did a lot better on the way back up than I did coming down.  Once we got to my car, we started bumpin' the 90s jams on our way to dinner.  ⇝
We decided to go to Milestone in El Dorado Hills because Evan used to work there and is still friends with the owners.   We shared two bottles of rose, the crispy brussels, blistered padron peppers, and parmesan and bread crumb mac & cheese.  I also had the chef's burger for dinner (divine), and Steph and Evan both had items off the daily specials menu while Casey ordered the ribs.  I ended up leaving (and losing) my beloved sunglasses at the restaurant, but the good food (and fact that they were only $7 from amazon) made up for it.  I'll sure miss them, though, since they were polarized and looked more expensive.  On our way back, we decided to stop for coffees and a quick trip to H&M.  You'll never be quicker than when you're dirty, can't really try stuff on, and have two tired boyfriends waiting for you.  Steph and I even managed to score a few pieces .  We ended the evening and decided that our next hike would be somewhere in SF.  Til next time πŸ’•

xo, Glory

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hemp Protein Cacao Smoothie with Flaxseeds + Dates

This hemp protein cacao smoothie with flaxseeds + dates is one of my absolute favorites.  It fills me up for hours and actually tastes great.  Before I figured this combo out, I'd constantly be making smoothies and only drinking some before dumping the rest out because none of them tasted this good.  I'll usually have this after a 6 a.m. yoga or spin class, when I'm hungry (but not that hungry) and feeling all kinds of responsible since I just exercised and all. 

If you haven't tried unsweetened cashewmilk in your smoothies yet, you need to!  Way better than almond milk in my opinion, and it basically tastes as close to regular ol' milk as you can get.  I know some people prefer the taste of almond milk, but I always choose cashewmilk because it's creamier and milder tasting, and I can even use it in my cereal!  I've also always loved dates and the fact that I can sweeten my smoothies with them -- and it's my firm belief that two Medjool dates will act as a natural thickening agent, no Xantham gum needed!

I choose hemp protein because it's easier to digest (for me) and doesn't compete with other flavors. Hemp protein's also a good source of fiber and magnesium.  Cacao powder is a great source of antioxidants, too, and, quite honestly, I can't even really tell the difference between it and Hershey's powder.  And I'm always hearing great things about flax/chia, so I like that I can get a blend of the two from Carrington Farms.

Top that bad boy off with some guilt-free/fat-free Reddi Whip + sprinkle some sweet cacao nibs on top and you've got yourself a hemp protein cacao smoothie ➳➳ enjoy!

Here's what I used:
  • Pour 3/4 to 1 cup ice in your blender of choice (I use a Blendtec)
  • Pour 8 ounces of Unsweetened Cashewmilk over your ice
  • Add 1 rounded/heaping dessert spoon of hemp protein powder
  • Add 1 rounded teaspoon of cacao powder
  • Add 1 rounded teaspoon of flaxseed (I use a flax chia blend, more superfood bang for your buck!)
  • Add 1 medium to large banana
  • Add 2 Medjool dates (remove the pits, if any!)
  • Select the "smoothie" function if using a Blendtec (or blend on medium/high until you reach a smooth consistency if you're not using a Blendtec)
  • Top with Fat-Free Reddi Whip (optional)
  • Top with sweet cacao nibs (optional -- the regular nibs have a slightly bitter taste)
xo, Glory

Monday, April 17, 2017

Joshua Tree Bday + Bachelorette is Always a Good Idea

One of my best friends is getting married in a few weeks, and we threw her a bachelorette party in Joshua Tree this past weekend.  It was also her birthday, and I'd never been to Joshua Tree or a bachelorette party.  I was excited but also kind of nervous because I wasn't going to know half the girls. Half of us were best friends from college, and the other half was going to be new girls my friend had met throughout the years. Two of my girlfriend's were flying into LA from SF, and I was flying in from Sacramento. I grew up in LA but live in Sacramento right now because of my job.

We started setting up for the other girls as soon as we got there.  Once we were finished, we headed out to get dinner and drinks at the Joshua Tree Saloon.  I thought their food and service were both really good, and the number of stars they have on yelp (only 3) totally doesn't reflect either.

We stayed at the cutest not-so-little house -- the Boulder House. If you're looking for somewhere to stay in the area, I definitely recommend checking them out on Airbnb. They say the house can accommodate/sleep up to 14, which it did, but you have to be willing to share beds.  

The first day/night, we just hung out by pool and had lunch/drinks/cocktails. I knew right away that I'd be friends with the new girls because they all just felt familiar to me. For dinner, we made shrimp tacos and kale/corn salad and ate at the outdoor tables.  For dessert, we had the above unicorn birthday cake, courtesy of my girlfriend's who's an absolute pro at recreating Pinterest finds.  

The next day we got up to go to the sound baths at the Integratron. I didn't get any pictures, but essentially you get to hear some interesting info before listening to some crystals. The whole reservation is an hour long and it's definitely a relaxing experience. Once we got back, we spent the rest of the day having apps and drinks by the pool again. We started getting ready for dinner at Pappy + Harriet's around 4pm. If you don't know, Pappy + Harriet's is a well-known spot that offers live music and food in the area.

One of my other girlfriend's, Eliana, was kind enough to play DD and drive a few of us over to Pappy + Harriet's ♥ Once we got there, we grabbed some drinks at the bar and then went to our table, which just so happened to be in front of Scarlett Johansson's table! The rest of the night's a blur, but I do remember absolutely loving the skirt steak and cheesey potatoes that I had for dinner. The next day, we got up and got ready to check out before road tripping back to LA. We made a pit stop at the Cabazon outlets (the best) on our way back, and ended our day at The Black Cat on Sunset before heading back to the airport. Until next time, I have to say this was the most fun trip I'd ever been on and if you're at all on the fence about attending a friend's bachelorette -- I say do it! And if your gf is as laid back as mine is, you (and your liver) won't have much to worry about 😚

xo, Glory

Monday, April 10, 2017

Mondaze + How to Get Your Chicken Caesar on the Cheap!

Hi there ⇝ I don't know about you, but Monday is without a doubt my least favorite day of the week. The weekends always go by too fast, and I always end up wishing I could just spend the day catching up on t.v. (and Pinterest during the commercials, anyone else do that?) and maybe go to the gym...maybe. Coming in at a close second is adulting, and also lawyering, both of which seem exponentially harder on Mondays. 

Since I'm usually riding the struggle bus on Mondays, I was without lunch and good ideas.  Luckily for me, we have a Sprouts by my office.  I'm actually lucky that my firm is surrounded by a lot of good options, and Sprouts never fails me.  I'm also lucky that I get to keep a mini fridge in my office so I'm able to stock up.  I ended up getting a pre-made caesar salad (a steal at $2.31), a container of "just shredded chicken", a turkey sandwich on multigrain, a snack box of mixed cheese/grapes/crackers, a bottle of Rebbl Reishi Chocolate, a bottle of Daily Greens Renew, and a box of Sprouts Blend kcups for the week.  I found out that it's a lot cheaper to add "just shredded chicken" to a plain caesar salad than it is to buy Sprouts' pre-packed chicken caesars.  Plus you can customize how much or how little chicken you add, for just the right chicken-to-salad-greens ratio.

I had a second cup of coffee around 3 p.m. and also drank the bottle of Daily Greens Renew I bought.  I'm happy to report it didn't have a lot of added sugars and was delicious.

I ended my day at 5:30 p.m. and met up with one of my girlfriends at the gym.  We did 30 minutes on the StairMaster, and another 30 minutes on the Precor elliptical.  I hear StairMasters are apparently really effective at torching calories and keep your core engaged + is easy on your joints. So basically, #triplethreat and #winning.  

When I got home, I watched the new episode of Southern Charm with my boyfriend.  Anyone else addicted to reality t.v.?  Seriously, no shame.  I like Naomie the best this season and hope they keep her on as a regular cast member.  What do you guys think about Shep?  At times I think he's being a genuine/true friend, but then other times I think he should stop asking Craig if he ever intends to take the bar/become an attorney.  Sure, Craig's not being entirely honest, but Shep keeps pushing it, too. And I absolutely can't wait to see how things unfold between Thomas/Landon/ there's some drama with a capital D, y'all.  

xo, Glory