Monday, May 15, 2017

SB Wedding Vibes + Solvang Jaunt

Remember my girlfriend whose birthday/bachelorette bash I attended last month?  Well, she got married this past weekend! The venue was in Santa Barbara so Evan and I decided to make a weekend of it. I worked from home on Friday and then picked him up from downtown Sacramento at around 1pm.  

Side note: I became a vegetarian again shortly after Cinco de Mayo.  I was a vegetarian in mid 2010 but didn't stick with it for a lot of reasons.  I'm back to it now and this time I think I'm sticking with it for good.  Evan's been a vegetarian now for more than a few months so he got us sandwiches from Beach Hut Deli for the road.  We happily road tripped down for the next 6 hours before finally arriving in SB and attending my gf's rehearsal dinner.  Santa Barbara is a beautiful little coastal town and so worth a trip if you're into sun, sand, wineries and microbreweries.  It's got all that and more, plus it's near a cute little town called Solvang.  

The next morning (and my gf's wedding day), Evan and I decided to have a breakfast down by State Street with our friend, Greg.  I've known Greg since college when he used to date one of my very best friends. They've since gotten married and ​live in LA, so I don't see them nearly enough and try to spend as much time with them as I can when we all do get together.  Greg's wife, Anna, was one of the brilliant ​masterminds behind ​last month's bday/bachelorette weekend​. Anna's a lady lawyer like myself and 
​an ​all around girl boss + planner extraordinaire. Greg picked the breakfast spot and, as you can see, it did not disappoint.  

After breakfast, Greg ​left to go to a charity police event in Calabasas while Evan and I met up with two of ​our other friends. We went to a couple wineries o​n State Street and a microbrewery in​the Funk Zone. I don't recall the Funk Zone being around when I used to visit SB in high school, so if you haven't been in a while, I highly recommend you check it out. There's a lot more to do than I remember.  Later that day, my gf Elena and her fiancé Kevin got married!  The beautiful couple got hitched at an intimate little place called Cold Spring Tavern. The historic mountainside saloon was the perfect backdrop 💕

The wedding was a blast and the "after party" was ​planned in advance at the bar next door. Elena and Kev had pizza waiting for us which I thought was a really nice touch. You seriously cannot go wrong with some grease and heavy carbs​ after a few (or several) cocktails.  

The next day, Evan and I had breakfast at the nearby IHOP with several of my girlfriends and their fiancés/husbands.  It was really sweet ​seeing all the families there for Mother's Day.  Once we finished, Evan and I checked out of our hotel and headed toward Solvang.  He'd never been before so I definitely wanted to take​ him on our way home.  Solvang is about 30-40 miles outside of Santa Barbara and is all things Danish.  Really.  It's so fun and a must see (at least once) if you're at all close by.  There's museums, restaurants, shops, people dressed in Danish garb, and ebelskivers galore! 

I hope the summer is filled with similarly jam packed weekends! ✭

xo, Glory

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