Tuesday, June 27, 2017

#EatSleepLift or Something Like It

We're doing a weight loss challenge at work and, let me tell you, I'm really surprised at how competitive everyone has been 😉

Apparently all it takes to get people to lose weight is a good old-fashioned competition!  Maybe it's because we're all lawyers?  Tell us we'll feel better + live longer and we won't bite, but tell us we're competing for the gold and everyone's all in, ha!

Anyway, I'm a "questioner" by nature, according to Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies Quiz (love her + love her books, if you haven't already checked her out, do it here and here!) so I didn't think I was going to get that into it because a weight loss challenge is fairly arbitrary in nature.  Sure, no one wants to lose, but shouldn't we all strive to be healthy, with or without a competition to motivate us?  The answer is obviously yes, but I've come to realize that motivation and inspiration are good things to always be seeking out.  

With that said, I've certainly kicked it into high gear + found some goodies to help me along the way.  I used to work for Equinox so I'm no stranger to luxurious gyms, but we since we don't have one near us, we joined Lifetime Athletic a few months ago.  I love the TechnoGym equipment and I always feel a lot less guilty when I get my reality tv on the treadmill or elliptical instead of on the couch.  

And I didn't used to be all about protein bars or protein nut butters, but there's a really nice Vitamin Shoppe right by the gym, so I decided to stop by one day after my workout.  Needless to say my wallet was not happy with me.  I picked out the ones that looked good and I'm happy to report that I actually liked them all 😳 

I loved all of these for different reasons.  The CakeBites don't even taste like protein "bars," they just taste like dessert.  You know how sometimes you don't want that protein bar texture?  This would be the bar for you if you're not looking to eat the entire package in one sitting or if you just don't want to feel like you're eating a protein bar.  My favorite flavor was the red velvet, with chocolate dipped cherry coming in at a close second.  I really thought I'd like the birthday cake flavor the best, but I think I didn't because of the even better birthday cake-flavored protein bar below.

The MyBar in birthday cake had just the right flavor and texture.  There's a crunch element to it and you don't usually find that with protein bars.  

The Oh Yeah! One Bar in Maple Glazed Doughnut flavor was to. die. for.  Seriously, how can a protein bar actually taste like a maple glazed donut?!  Somehow they did it, and it was gold.  

The other bars were great, too, but I'll leave it at that for the time being.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go be about that #eatsleeplift life 😉

xo, Glory

Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links, which means I may be compensated if you click or make a purchase from the above links. All opinions are completely own.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Firing Up the Grill for Father's Day: Chicken, Corn + Broccolini

Father's Day is upon us and if your dad's anything like mine, he'll want to grill and enjoy some ice cold brewskis (anyone else follow @middleclassfancy on IG?! Haha).  

Although I've gone back to being a vegetarian myself, I thought I'd share this grilled chicken, corn and broccolini recipe.  It's sure to please both the fathers and the mothers in your family and, if you look back at my BeyondMeat Beast Burger w /Cheese post, you can whip up some vegetarian or vegan burgers for yourself on the side.  

  • Chicken Breasts (3-5 pounds as needed)
  • White Corn
  • Broccolini
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt + Pepper
  • Spices (e.g. lemon pepper and/or dried rosemary)
  • Clean + prep your chicken breasts
  • Trim excess fat, skin, and cartilage 
  • Coat both chicken + broccolini with olive oil & salt/pepper liberally + lemon pepper or dried rosemary (optional)
  • Set your grill to high heat
  • Place chicken breasts toward the bottom back where it's hotter + place your broccolini near the front
  • Turn the grill where your meat is on to medium-low + keep the side there's no food on at high
  • Place your corn on the upper level
  • After 15-20 minutes, flip your chicken + cook for another 15-20 minutes 
  • Rotate your broccolini as necessary
  • Broccolini should be done after 15-20 minutes (look for char + dark green stalks)
  • Corn should be done after 15-20 minutes

xo, Glory

Monday, June 5, 2017

Summertime Staple: Grilled Pizzas + Wine

I love pizza.  Seriously, I could always be content with pizza.  I love a good pizza or an amazing pizza the best, obviously, but I'd almost never pass up a chance to have any pizza. 

We got the idea for these grilled pizzas from my girlfriend, Anna.  She can make anything look easy, but she promised me these grilled pizzas would actually be easy.  We had made them at her house once and, sure enough, they were easy and tasted like they'd just come out of a brick oven.  It's the perfect dinner for when you have people over.  You can easily serve 4-8 people depending on appetites, and it's inclusive to where your guests can help you without wearing themselves out 😉

  • Dough (e.g. Trader Joe's has refrigerated dough, in plain, garlic herb, and wheat. Find these near the cheese and cold cuts!)
  • Pizza Sauce (I like Muir Glen's Organic Pizza Sauce)
  • Toppings
  • e.g. I love Yves Veggie Pepperoni, Bell Peppers, Shredded Mozzarella and Provolone, Mushrooms, Sliced Olives, Artichoke Hearts (not pictured), and Red Onion.
  • Flour
  • Grapeseed Oil (I use Pompeian's Grapeseed Oil)
  • Dice + prepare all your toppings and sauces and place in nearby in bowls
  • Take your store bought refrigerated dough out of its packaging and let it rest for 1-2 hours
  • Sprinkle flour on your counter and roll out your dough. 
  • Sprinkle some extra flour all over your dough once you're done shaping
  • Turn your grill to high and let the inside of the grill get hot (most home grills will get to about 600 degrees fahrenheit)
  • Coat one side of your dough with a light brushing of grapeseed oil
    • Note: I use grapeseed oil because it has a high smoke point and a delicate, almost indiscernible taste
  • Place your dough on the grill, oil side down
  • Reduce heat to medium + cover grill
  • Flip your dough after about 7-10 minutes
  • Top with your sauce of choice, cheese, and toppings
  • Re-cover your grill and let cook for another 12-15 minutes
  • Pizza(s) should now be done + you can top with any fresh toppings of your choice
  • Top with some extra virgin olive oil and salt/pepper to taste (optional)

xo, Glory