Monday, June 5, 2017

Summertime Staple: Grilled Pizzas + Wine

I love pizza.  Seriously, I could always be content with pizza.  I love a good pizza or an amazing pizza the best, obviously, but I'd almost never pass up a chance to have any pizza. 

We got the idea for these grilled pizzas from my girlfriend, Anna.  She can make anything look easy, but she promised me these grilled pizzas would actually be easy.  We had made them at her house once and, sure enough, they were easy and tasted like they'd just come out of a brick oven.  It's the perfect dinner for when you have people over.  You can easily serve 4-8 people depending on appetites, and it's inclusive to where your guests can help you without wearing themselves out 😉

  • Dough (e.g. Trader Joe's has refrigerated dough, in plain, garlic herb, and wheat. Find these near the cheese and cold cuts!)
  • Pizza Sauce (I like Muir Glen's Organic Pizza Sauce)
  • Toppings
  • e.g. I love Yves Veggie Pepperoni, Bell Peppers, Shredded Mozzarella and Provolone, Mushrooms, Sliced Olives, Artichoke Hearts (not pictured), and Red Onion.
  • Flour
  • Grapeseed Oil (I use Pompeian's Grapeseed Oil)
  • Dice + prepare all your toppings and sauces and place in nearby in bowls
  • Take your store bought refrigerated dough out of its packaging and let it rest for 1-2 hours
  • Sprinkle flour on your counter and roll out your dough. 
  • Sprinkle some extra flour all over your dough once you're done shaping
  • Turn your grill to high and let the inside of the grill get hot (most home grills will get to about 600 degrees fahrenheit)
  • Coat one side of your dough with a light brushing of grapeseed oil
    • Note: I use grapeseed oil because it has a high smoke point and a delicate, almost indiscernible taste
  • Place your dough on the grill, oil side down
  • Reduce heat to medium + cover grill
  • Flip your dough after about 7-10 minutes
  • Top with your sauce of choice, cheese, and toppings
  • Re-cover your grill and let cook for another 12-15 minutes
  • Pizza(s) should now be done + you can top with any fresh toppings of your choice
  • Top with some extra virgin olive oil and salt/pepper to taste (optional)

xo, Glory

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