Sunday, August 20, 2017

Grocery Store Faves

Happy Sunday! πŸ’– 😊 ☕

So I love trying new restaurants/cafes/wine bars, etc.  That's my version of being outdoorsy πŸ˜‰  I just love the look and feel of a new place; the enthusiasm of everyone who is working hard to make sure your experience is perfect.  What do I love even more than that?  Grocery shopping πŸ˜‹  

I think it's because my mom used to do all the grocery shopping for us when I was younger, so nothing seems cooler or more "adult" to me. Or maybe it's the freedom and promise that comes with being able to select just about anything I want when I'm at the grocery store (nothing is too expensive, you know? Not picking up pounds of saffron over here πŸ’°).  Whatever it is, I always feel like I'm getting a fresh start at the grocery store.  I get my old favorites, and I always pick out a few new things as well. 

It'll be busy week for me at work, and also with moving into a new place, so I went to Trader Joe's with the intention of picking up mostly prepared foods. You can't beat Trader Joe's prices and I love that they always have new products. It's almost like they love being a grocery store as much as I love being a grocery shopper 😍  I've had the Tandoori Naan before (yum), but the cauliflower + broccoli and carrot + pea veggie patties are new finds.  I'm excited to try the, and think the patties are an easy way to ensure that you'll always be able to fit vegetables into any meal. 

I've also had the Vegan Tikka Masala before and I think it's amazing with the Tandoori Naan. I seriously rely on these meals because how else could I satisfy my cravings when most tikka masala is made with chicken?! These Vegetable Spring Rolls have healthier ingredients than most, and I plan on making them in an air fryer to ensure they come out crisp. The Quinoa Cowboy Veggie Burgers are delicious! 

Do you guys have any must-haves from Trader Joe's? Do share!

xo, Glory

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Vegan Nachos with Follow Your Heart Shreds + Beyond Meat Grilled Chicken Strips

Although I'm vegetarian and not a vegan, I like eating plant-based meals and I love trying non-dairy cheeses.  I think my body responds well to plant-based meals, and I really like the idea of being entirely cruelty-free.  

That being said, nachos are one of my favorite comfort foods to eat, and I was hoping to make a vegan version that would be just as (if not more so) delicious than non-vegan nachos.

I'm happy to say these nachos did. not. disappoint.  I used Follow Your Heart's Vegan Cheddar Shreds which are seriously good even straight out of the bag.  I know that can be a problem with some vegan cheeses, to the point where they can be good but only when melted.  Not the case with this cheese!  It melted well too.  You can customize the nachos however you like, but I just did a layer of the vegan cheese over my tortilla chips, and scooped Sprouts' organic refried black beans over that.  I added chopped red onion, tomatoes, and bell pepper as well.  

Last but certainly not least are these Beyond Meat Grilled Chicken Strips.  You may already know that I loooove Beyond Meat items and these strips were no exception!  You get 20 grams of complete protein per 3 ounce serving of these strips.  The taste and texture of these strips isπŸ‘Œ  I cannot recommend them enough, especially if you're looking for ways to get a lot of protein while eating a plant-based diet.  And, for those who are concerned about soy protein, these strips are made with a non-gmo (!) soy protein isolate.  

Aaaand the finished product was devoured in about 5 seconds πŸ˜‹  Aside from being delicious, another great thing about these nachos was the fact that I felt great afterward! There are definitely some times when I overdo it on my favorite foods and end up regretting it later, but that was not at all the case with these vegan nachos. Maybe vegan junk food can be good for you?! πŸ˜‰  Enjoy!

xo, Glory